Guided Meditation: For Adults and Children Alike
People of all ages can reap the benefits of meditation and mindfulness. Studies show that teaching kids to be mindful can help reduce stress, aid memory and attentiveness, decrease depression and anxiety, and even encourage kids to be more empathetic.
So, if you can find a few minutes, try this 5-step guided meditation with the child(ren) in your life:
The Balloon
This guided meditation a very simple deep breathing exercise with a visual story. You can do this standing or seated.
Relax your body and begin to take deep inhales and slow exhales through the nose.
Start to take a slow, deep breath to fill your belly up with air, as it was a big balloon. Expand your belly as much as you can.
Now breathe out, like you are letting the air out of the balloon through your mouth.
Encourage your kids to feel their entire body relax each time they exhale. You can even make a “hissing” noise to encourage them to slow down the exhale even more.
Continue for several minutes.
Crunched for time? Check out some meditation apps for kids recommended by Common Sense Media.